SPEECH TEAM: The JV Speech Team had a great showing at their final tournament, the Comfy Classic at Conant High School, placing 5th overall in Team Sweeps! Elisa Murillo came in 1st in Poetry. Lianna Ritti & Aisling (pronounced Ash-Ling) Blau placed 1st place in Humorous Duet Acting. Hadia Miriam came in 2nd in Prose, Kiki Siguere placed 5th in Special Occasion Speaking, Tochi Ezeocha (pronounced Ey-ZAH-cha) placed 7th in Radio Speaking, and Lucas Wisemean came in 7th in Poetry. Way to go team!
At the Rolling Meadows Varsity Speech Tournament, Elisha Joseph came in 1st in Next-In Informative Speaking, and Tristan Okurowski came in 6th in Next-In Prose. The Varsity Team has one more tournament, the Tournament of Heroes on Saturday February 1st, before the IHSA State Series begins February 8th. Good luck team at your final tournament and congratulations to both teams on an amazing season!
BLOOD DRIVE: Please join us for our blood drive on Friday in the Spec Gym Foyer from 8:30-2. You can schedule by scanning the QR code posted on the flyers in the hallways or come to the registration table outside of the CRCC on Tuesday or Thursday from 11am-1:30pm. Students who are 17 or 18 years of age can give blood and students who are 16 will need consent from a parent or guardian. Students must donate during lunch, PE or during a free period, and each donor will receive 25 spirit points and a coupon for a free pint of frozen custard from Culver's.
MUSLIM STUDENT ASSOCIATION: Interested in meeting new people and making connections? Join the Muslim Student Association for its first meeting Friday after school in B215. Muslim Student Association is open to everyone.
NATIONAL ENGLISH HONOR SOCIETY: The National English Honor Society will host its monthly meeting on Friday at 7:40 am in the back of the LRC. All members are expected to be there. We are excited to welcome all of our new members.
BADMINTON OPEN GYM: All students and staff are invited to Badminton Open Gym in January and February on Friday mornings from 6:30-8 am in Spec gym. Please enter door #37. After 7 am, enter at the Bus Concourse. If questions, contact Coach Butterfield, Coach McCluskey or Coach Webber.
BOYS VOLLEYBALL: Attention all boys interested in trying out for volleyball this Spring. There will be an informational meeting after school on Tuesday, January 28th in G-102. If you have any questions or can't make the meeting please contact Coach OBrill.
WESTERNER: Covering everything from student trends to global events, from Maine West life to Warrior athletics, the award-winning Westerner student newspaper has been the voice of Maine West students for 65 years. And now, you can be a part of it! Applications for the 2025-2026 Westerner staff are available now until January 29. The Westerner has spots for: sports and news writers, feature and entertainment writers, opinion writers, artists, photographers, and editors. Go to MWwesterner.com to apply