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PI SIGMA PI:  Pi Sigma Pi members, please sign up on Google Classroom to help with our 3rd Annual charity bake sale as soon as possible. There will be a short but important planning meeting in C204 on Wednesday, see Google Classroom for details. We need ALL members to pitch in.

GIRLS BADMINTON:   If you are interested in being on the girls badminton team this year, please plan on attending an informational on Monday, February 3 at 3:30 in Room E105. Tryouts will take place on Monday and Tuesday March 3rd and 4th in Spec Gym.

BOYS VOLLEYBALL:  Attention all boys interested in trying out for volleyball this Spring. There will be an informational meeting after school on Tuesday in G102. If you have any questions or can't make the meeting please contact Coach OBrill.

BOYS TENNIS: For those interested in Boy’s Tennis, there will be a brief informational meeting Thursday at 3:15 in G102. Contact Coach York for more information.

BADMINTON OPEN GYM: All students and staff are invited to Badminton Open Gym in January and February on Friday mornings from 6:30-8 am in Spec gym. Please enter door #37. After 7 am, enter at the Bus Concourse. If questions, contact Coach Butterfield, Coach McCluskey or Coach Webber.

WESTERNER:  Covering everything from student trends to global events, from Maine West life to Warrior athletics, the award-winning Westerner student newspaper has been the voice of Maine West students for 65 years. And now, you can be a part of it! Applications for the 2025-2026 Westerner staff are available now until January 29. The Westerner has spots for: sports and news writers, feature and entertainment writers, opinion writers, artists, photographers, and editors. Go to to apply.

VALENTUNES:  Valentines Day is just around the corner and that means it's time for VALENTUNES! Valentunes are singing telegrams and will be delivered during 6th period on February 13th. They make a great gift for a friend. Valentunes are only $5 and will go on sale beginning the week of February 3rd in the bookstore.