BLOOD DRIVE: Please join us for our blood drive on Friday in the Spec Gym Foyer from 8:30-2. You can schedule by scanning the QR code posted on the flyers in the hallways. Students who are 17 or 18 years of age can give blood and students who are 16 will need consent from a parent or guardian. Students must donate during lunch, PE or during a free period, and each donor will receive 25 spirit points and a coupon for a free pint of frozen custard from Culver's.
MUSLIM STUDENT ASSOCIATION: Interested in meeting new people and making connections? Join the Muslim Student Association for its first meeting today after school in B215. Muslim Student Association is open to everyone.
PI SIGMA PI: Pi Sigma Pi members, please sign up on Google Classroom to help with our 3rd Annual charity bake sale as soon as possible. There will be a short but important planning meeting in C204 on Wednesday, see Google Classroom for details. We need ALL members to pitch in.
GIRLS BADMINTON: If you are interested in being on the girls badminton team this year, please plan on attending an informational meeting on Monday, February 3rd at 3:30 in Room E105. Tryouts will take place on Monday and Tuesday March 3rd nad 4th in Spec Gym.
BADMINTON OPEN GYM: All students and staff are invited to Badminton Open Gym in January and February on Friday mornings from 6:30-8 am in Spec gym. Please enter door #37. After 7 am, enter at the Bus Concourse. If questions, contact Coach Butterfield, Coach McCluskey or Coach Webber.
BOYS VOLLEYBALL: Attention all boys interested in trying out for volleyball this Spring. There will be an informational meeting after school on Tuesday in G102. If you have any questions or can't make the meeting please contact Coach OBrill.