GIRLS BADMINTON: If you are interested in being on the girls badminton team this year, please plan on attending an informational meeting today at 3:30 in Room E105. Tryouts will take place on Monday and Tuesday, March 3rd and 4th in Spec Gym.
VALENTUNES: Valentune's are on sale this week in the bookstore for $5.00. Valentunes are singing telegrams and will be delivered during 6th period on February 13th.
CLINICAL GOVERNMENT: Clinical government summer school applications are due Wednesday, February 12. Please submit applications to your US history teacher or drop off in C202.
BADMINTON OPEN GYM: All students and staff are invited to Badminton Open Gym in January and February on Friday mornings from 6:30-8 am in Spec gym. Please enter door #37. After 7 am, enter at the Bus Concourse. If questions, contact Coach Butterfield, Coach McCluskey or Coach Webber.