SPEECH TEAM: The Speech Team will compete tomorrow at the Tournament of Heroes at Glenbrook North High School. This is their final tournament before the IHSA State series that begins February 8th. Good luck team at the tournament and best of luck at State.
ACCESS TESTING: ACCESS testing starts next week. Check your student email for details such as date, time and location.
WEST SIDE: The theme for tonights basketball game is NEON. The first 50 Maine West students will receive a free t-shirt. Tip off is at 6:30 pm. Go Warriors!
GIRLS BADMINTON: If you are interested in being on the girls badminton team this year, please plan on attending an informational on Monday at 3:30 in Room E105. Tryouts will take place on Monday and Tuesday, March 3rd and 4th in Spec Gym.
BADMINTON OPEN GYM: All students and staff are invited to Badminton Open Gym in January and February on Friday mornings from 6:30-8 am in Spec gym. Please enter door #37. After 7 am, enter at the Bus Concourse. If questions, contact Coach Butterfield, Coach McCluskey or Coach Webber.
VALENTUNES: Valentines Day is just around the corner and that means it's time for VALENTUNES! Valentunes are singing telegrams and will be delivered during 6th period on February 13th. They make a great gift for a friend. Valentunes are only $5 and will go on sale beginning the week of February 3rd in the bookstore.