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BOYS BASKETBALL:  Boys' Basketball is having tryouts today and tomorrow. You must be registered on 8 to 18 and have an updated physical. Please email Coach Paxson with any questions.

STUDENT TUTORING:  Beginning today, Warrior Student Tutors will be available to help fellow students in the mornings from 7:30 am to 8:15 am. The student tutors are located in the Warrior Resource Center in B226, at the end of Upper B-Wing. The student tutors will be able to support their peers in English, Math, Science, Social Science and World Language classes.

MUSICAL COSTUME CREW:  Musical Costume Crew begins Monday, November 14th. Meet backstage of the auditorium at 3:30 pm. No experience required! Help with the costumes and makeup for the Young Frankenstein.

MUSICAL AUDITIONS:  Audition Clinics for this year's hilarious musical comedy, "Young Frankenstein", will take place on Monday, November 14th at 3pm in the Choir Rm (R207). No previous experience required. We'll teach you everything you'll need to be successful at the audition. Don't miss out on the most highly anticipated event of the year. See Mr. Harmon or Mr. Schiffer if you have any questions!

MOVIE PREMIERE:  The Masked Banshee Returns, a short film by Russel Adaya, a junior here at Maine West, will premiere in the auditorium on Friday, November 18 from 3:00-3:30. Come watch this action packed, star studded, and suspenseful film that promises to keep you on the edge of your seat.