SPEECH TEAM: The Speech Team will be competing in two tournaments tomorrow. The JV team will be going to the Comfy Classic Tournament at Conant High School while the Varsity team will be going to the Rolling Meadows Varsity Tournament held at Rolling Meadows High School. Best of luck teams and we hope you have great tournaments.
MUSLIM STUDENT ASSOCIATION: Interested in meeting new people and making connections? Join the Muslim Student Association for its first meeting on Friday, January 24 after school in B215. Muslim Student Association is open to everyone.
NATIONAL ENGLISH HONOR SOCIETY: The National English Honor Society will host its monthly meeting on Friday, January 24th at 7:40 am in the back of the LRC. All members are expected to be there. We are excited to welcome all of our new members.
WOMEN'S EMPOWERMENT CLUB: The Women's Empowerment Club will meet Tuesday in the CCRC (Room: B-101) before school at 8 am. Come catch up with other members and learn about upcoming events this semester. Also, there will be snacks.