LITTLE MERMAID MUSICAL AUDITION: Auditions for this year's musical, "The Little Mermaid" will be held today from 3:30 to 6:30 in the Choir Room (R207). No experience? No worries! Most students in our program have little to no experience prior to high school; so you're in good company. If you missed the informational meeting, email Mr. Harmon at and he will connect you with the Google Classroom.
NEWS FROM STUDENT & FAMILY SERVICES: Student and Family Services is hosting a lunch and learn Thursday during all lunch periods in E107 about Coping with Change and Uncertainty. Bring your lunch and a friend and learn some useful skills.
IRISH CLUB: Irish Club is having their first meeting today from 3:00-3:45 in the Warrior Resource Center, B225.
FASHION AND COSMETOLOGY CLUB: Fashion and Cosmetology Club will meet today after school in C108 for another makeup challenge. We will be competing to see who can create the best makeup look on a partner all while blindfolded. Remember to bring your own makeup and brushes.
PI SIGMA PI: Current members of Pi Sigma Pi can order and pay for their club t-shirts in the bookstore, now through the first week of December. Shirts cost $15.00. See Ms. Littlefield Lanham with questions.
BOYS SWIM AND DIVE: The first day of practice for Boys Swim and Dive is Monday November 25th in the pool. No experience is necessary.