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SENIOR PICTURES: Attention Seniors, this week, Root Studios will be in E107 for senior portraits. They will be available every day from 11 to 7. You can drop in or make an appointment for your session. Don't miss this opportunity to capture your senior year.

FASHION AND COSMETOLOGY CLUB:  Fashion & Cosmetology club will meet today after school in C108. Come join us as we will be discussing our upcoming trip to Goodwill.

BALKAN CLUB:  Balkan club is meeting after school today in C120. We will be taking our club photo.

WOMEN'S EMPOWERMENT: Join Women's Empowerment for our first meeting Thursday morning at 8:00 in the CCRC.

BLACK STUDENT UNION:  Come to Black Student Union's Paint & Chill on Thursday, October 10 at 3:00 in the CCRC.

PI SIGMA PI:  Pi Sigma Pi will meet in the Lower Commons Friday morning at 7:45. We will hear Officer Candidates give speeches and then take our yearbook picture. Please be on time or you'll miss the picture. See Ms. Littlefield Lanham or Ms. Murray with questions.

YEARBOOKS:  If you ordered a yearbook, you can pick it up in the main office.  If you did not purchase one and would like to, you can buy one in the bookstore. Limited quantities available.

BADMINTON:  We will be hosting Badminton Open Gym before and after school for students and staff on the following dates:

Before School: October 4, 25 & November 1 from 7-8 am in Spec Gym
After School: October 1 & 16 from 3:45-4:45 pm in the Field House
Any questions, please contact Coach Webber, Coach McCluskey or Coach Butterfield

NEW FROM THE SCHOOL BASED HEALTH CENTER:  The School Based Health Center and Gabriel's Light are collaborating to bring teen Mental Health First Aid Training to Maine West students in October. Gabriel's Light certifies students who can recognize and address peers' mental health concerns by linking them with supportive services through a trusted adult. There are only 30 slots available  In order to become certified you must register and attend all three training sessions. Sessions will be held after school, from 3:30pm -5pm on October 21st, 22nd, and 24th. Scan the flyer and register today! For more information please reach out to Amaryllis Rivera and Tigelique Woods from the School Based Health Center.