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BOYS TENNIS:  Any boy interested in playing tennis this spring should attend a brief pre-season meeting in B215 after school Thursday. See Coach Hauenstein if you have any questions.

PI SIGMA PI:  Pi Sigma Pi will have its first meeting of 2024 in the Lower Commons at 7:45 a.m. on Friday. Those interested in helping with our annual bake sale must attend. We will also give updates on t-shirts and the field trip.

DECA: Attention all DECA members, please put a reminder in your phone to attend the next DECA meeting before school on Monday morning, January 22nd at 7:45 am in D102. All DECA members are expected to attend to discuss important information about the upcoming regional competition.

WARRIOR RESOURCE CENTER (WRC): Students, have you visited the Warrior Resource Center lately? It is located at the end of Upper B-Wing. You can drop-in for help with reading, writing, or math skills from a teacher throughout the school day. You can also visit to make up tests, receive your testing accommodations, or get executive functioning support. Stop by during a study hall or free period to check it out.