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BOYS BASKETBALL:  Boys' Basketball is having their first day of tryouts today. All student-athletes must have a current physical on file and be registered on 8 to 18. Please contact Coach Paxson with any questions.

BOOKSTORE WILL BE CLOSED TUESDAY:  The bookstore will be closed on Tuesday.  Please plan accordingly.

WAPA:  WAPA is sponsoring a Turkey Trot November 13th from 3:30-5 in the spec foyer. Running, trotting and walking are welcomed. This event is open to anyone interested. We are asking for a $10 donation or $3 and 5 canned food items to be donated. All proceeds will be donated to The Des Plaines Self Help Closet and Food Pantry. There will be a raffle, hot chocolate, turkey costumes and prizes. If you have questions please ask Mrs. Voigt or Mr. OBrill.

PI SIGMA PI:  It's time for the 3rd Annual Pi Sigma Pi vs. Scholastic Bowl SHOWDOWN. Flex your trivia knowledge and eat FREE PIZZA on Thursday, November 30th after school. Sign up on Google Classroom as soon as possible and help us keep up our winning streak.