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BAKE SALE:  The National English Honor Society is hosting a bake sale during all 6th period lunches today in the lower commons. Come enjoy homemade delicious treats in support of the National English Honor Society.

VIDEO GAME CLUB:  Video Game Club will meet Tuesday after school in the LRC. If you like to play video games and have some LOUD fun, please attend.

BOWLING:  There is a meeting for boys interested in participating in the IHSA bowling regional tournament on January 18.  The meeting is after school on Thursday in B203. If you cannot attend, see Mr. Aguirre in B203 or email him before that date.  

CHILDREN'S BOOK DRIVE:  The National English Honor Society is hosting a Holiday Children's Book Drive for Books for Tots. Please donate slightly used Children's books for ages 4-10. These books go to local children in our area. Books can be dropped off in the LRC, by the front entrance and the bus concourse.