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FALL PLAY AUDITIONS:  Auditions for this year's hilarious fall play, Drop Dead, will take place TONIGHT in R207 after school. Just finding out? No worries! Visit the audition sign up in lower A wing for all the information you need. You can also email Mr. Harmon at if you have any questions. Bring a friend and see you there.

ACCOUNTING CLUB:  Maine West's Accounting Club is starting up this week. Accounting Club will have an informational meeting before school on Thursday, September 1 at 7:45 a.m. in D102. Accounting Club is open to all students who want to learn how to prepare an individual tax return. So, if you have a job or help manage your family's finances, you should check it out. Also, if you're interested in accounting as a career, you should come as well.

SPEECH TEAM:  There will be an information meeting Tuesday at 3:15 in room C210 for all those interested in joining speech team.  Please see Mr. Rosenberg or Ms. Alverio for details.

MOCK TRIAL:  There will be a strategy session meeting for Mock Trail on Wednesday at 3:15 in C210 for returning members of the team.  Bring your ideas and appetite for pizza.  Please let Mr. Rosenberg know if you are coming.

WMTH:  WMTH and the Warrior Weekly staff will have their first informational meeting on Wednesday, August 31 at 3:00 pm with anchor auditions immediately following at 3:30 pm. If you are interested in live streaming our school concerts and sporting events, hosting your own radio show, or learning to film and edit for Warrior Weekly, join us on August 31st at 3:00pm in R209. See Ms. Orr for more details.

SOFTBALL INTRAMURALS:  Any individual interested in playing softball in the Spring, we will  have an intramural day on September 7 from 3:30pm-4:30pm out on the varsity softball field weather permitting. Bring a glove and bat and you can work on any of your skills. Any questions, please see or send a message/email to Mr. Addante or Mr. Dvorak.

FALL PLAY COSTUME CREW:  The Fall Play Costume Crew begins on September 13th. Meet in the backstage of the auditorium at 3:30pm. No experience required! Help with the costumes and makeup for the Fall Play. All students are welcome.