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PHYSICS CLUB:  Physics club will meet today at 3:30 in H110.

MUSIC APPRECIATION SOCIETY:  The Music Appreciation Society will meet today in the LRC after school.  We will be celebrating Black History Month by playing the classics, the latest and the greatest songs. Please come to the LRC and listen in.

SOFTBALL:  Support Maine West softball.  The team store is now open.  There is spirit wear available for family, friends and staff.  Shops now:

BEAUTY AND THE BEAST MUSICAL PERFORMANCE:  A tale as old as time, Beauty and the Beast.  Get your tickets for this year's musical- Beauty and the Beast.  The show runs from February 24 through February 27.  Student tickets are $7 and $10 for Adults.  Go to to purchase tickets.

STUDENTS:  This month, the Warrior Library wants you to fall in love with a GREAT book! The LRC presents "Blind Date With a Book!" February 7-28. Come to the LRC and pick one of our wrapped books that have a brief summary of the story. Check out a book that sounds interesting. We will give you a "rate your date" bookmark. After you check out the book, unwrap it to meet your date. Give your book a chance and hopefully it'll be a match made in heaven!  Fill out the "rate your date" bookmark and return the bookmark and the book to the library, and you will be entered into the raffle to win cool prizes.  Drop by the LRC today to fall in love with your next book.

VALENTUNES:  Valentines Day is just around the corner and that means it's time for VALENTUNES! Visit our table in the Commons during lunches to learn more about Valentunes, or personalized singing telegrams. They make a great gift for a friend. Valentunes are only $2 in the bookstore.