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DRAMA CLUB:  There is a drama club meeting after school today at 12:30 in E209.  There will be candy, games and information about improv team auditions and Theatrefest.


Who? Anyone that's want to play boys basketball this winter.
When? Tuesday, October 12, 2021, 3:30 pm
Where? Fieldhouse
What? A quick meeting about everything you need to know for tryouts. Very important information will be given at the meeting. If you are a fall sport athlete, communicate with your coach about attending this meeting.

GIRLS BASKETBALL:  Are you interested in playing or managing basketball this winter? Come to the girls' basketball informational meeting Wednesday, October 13th at 3:30pm in room G-102. We will have an open gym to follow from 4-5pm in the Fieldhouse. If you are interested and cannot attend the meeting, please contact Coach Kuzmanic.


District 207 is hosting multiple Financial Aid Nights for students and parents to attend.  No Registration is necessary.  Please attend the workshop(s) that best fit with your schedule regardless of the student's home school.

Thursday, October 14, 5-7 pm @ Maine East (room 230)
Saturday, October 16, 10am-noon @ Maine West (H106)
Wednesday, October 20, 5-7 pm @ Maine South (Library)
Wednesday, November 3, 5-7 pm @ Maine West (H106)