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BOARD GAME CLUB: Board Game Club will meet today after school in B109.

STUDENTS:  The Chrome Depot will be closed today from 8:30-10:00 am.

STUDENTS:  National English Honor Society is having a Valentine's Day bake sale on Friday, during periods 4,5,6 & 7. Come out and support NEHS by buying your Valentine something sweet.

STUDENTS:  Mock Trial Team is selling Valentine roses for $3.00 in the student cafeteria.

STUDENTS:  Valentine's Day means it's time for VALENTUNES! Come on down to our table just outside the student cafe during lunch periods to buy a Valentune, or singing telegram. Valentunes are only $2 and will be on sale through Thursday.

STUDENTS:  We need student volunteers to help with our annual Christian Volkmann Basketball tournament on Saturday, February 22. We need help with concessions, team buddies, refereeing and score keeping.  Please stop by C102 to pick up a form. Any questions, please see Mrs. Pettyjohn.

BOYS TENNIS:  Any boy interested in playing tennis this spring should plan on attending a brief pre-season meeting Friday at 8:00 am in B-215.  Please see Coach Hauenstein if you are unable to make it.