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YEARBOOKS:  If you ordered a yearbook, you can pick it up in the main office.  If you did not purchase one and would like to, you can buy one in the bookstore. Limited quantities available.

BLOOD DRIVE:  Please join us for a blood drive on Friday in the Spec Gym Foyer from 8:30-2pm. You can schedule using the QR code posted in the halls or come to the registration table outside of the CRCC on Thursday from 11:00-1:30. Students who are 17 or 18 years of age can give and students who are 16 will need consent from a parent or guardian. Students must donate during lunch, PE or free period, and each donor will receive a coupon for a free pint of frozen custard from Culver's.

VIDEO GAME CLUB:  Join Video Game Club today after school in the library and play some video games on our Nintendo Switch with some real serious players.

BALKAN CLUB:  Balkan Club will meet today after school in C120 Art Suite.

POLISH CLUB:  Join Polish club for the first meeting of the year after school Friday in C206.

BOOK CLUB:  Book club books are in and ready for pick up. Book Club is reading A Good Girl's Guide to Murder, now a hit Netflix show. Want to read it with us? Stop by the library for more information. We will meet to discuss this month's pick Thursday, October 24th in the library, in front of the fireplace.

MOCK TRIAL:  There will be an informational meeting for students interested in participating in Mock Trial on Thursday, September 19 from 3:30-3:50 in room C220. Email or talk to Mrs. Hendrickson in C220 If you are interested but cannot make it Thursday.

LATINX LEADERS CAREER PANEL:  Friday, the CCRC and Latinx Cultural Club "Raíces/Roots" will be hosting the Latinx Leaders Career Panel. Students are welcome to celebrate Latinx success with us and hear from various Latinx industry professionals and community leaders. It will be held in the auditorium during Period 7. Scan the QR code posted on the bulletin boards to register or see Ms. Nelson in the CCRC.

PRINCIPAL'S LEADERSHIP TEAM:  Warriors interested in serving on the Principal's Leadership Team should submit this application no later than 3 pm on Monday, September 23. What is the PLT, you ask? Well, it's a group that meets with Dr. McMahon once a month to discuss issues and plan projects that improve the quality of student life at Maine West. It is another way to use your voice to help us make our school better for students.

NEWS FROM THE CCRC:  The next BookTrunk signup is available in the library window and on the bulletin boards around the school. October's BookTrunk has two themes to choose from. One is BOOBox. Everything spooky and scary awaits you in this October BookTrunk. The second themed box is Banned Books. September 22-28 is banned book week, a national celebration of our freedom to read. If you want to celebrate your freedom to read by reading a frequently banned or challenged book, sign up for this BookTrunk. And as always, there are cool gifts in each subscription box that are yours to keep. Scan the QR code on the flyers and sign up today.

ATHLETIC PASSES:  Are you planning on going to home football or basketball games? Why pay $3.00 at each game when you can buy an Athletic pass for only $10 for the whole season? Buy your athletic pass in the Bookstore or online.