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HOMECOMING DANCE TICKETS:  Homecoming Dance tickets are now on sale for $30 and will be available until Friday, September 27 at 3:30pm.  Don't wait until the last minute... Tickets will be $35 at the door. Tickets can be purchased online through this LINK.  If you are interested in bringing an outside guest, you need to fill out this form and purchase the guest ticket in the bookstore when you submit the form.  Guest tickets are NOT available online or at the door.  The dance will run from 7:00 - 9:30 pm on Saturday, September 28 in Spec Gym with extra fun happening in the Field House.

SOFTBALL:  Softball Open Field will meet at the batting cage by the varsity field tonight at 3:30 pm. This is an opportunity to work on increasing your skills and staying sharp for the Spring season. Open field will continue on Monday's when the weather cooperates.

YEARBOOKS:  If you ordered a yearbook, you can pick it up in the main office.  If you did not purchase one and would like to, you can buy one in the bookstore. Limited quantities available.

MAINE WEST MINISTRY: Maine West Student Ministry meets every Friday in room A212 from 3:30-4:00 PM.  Come enjoy food, games and the gospel with great people!

PRINCIPAL'S LEADERSHIP TEAM:  Warriors interested in serving on the Principal's Leadership Team should submit this application no later than 3 pm today. What is the PLT, you ask? Well, it's a group that meets with Dr. McMahon once a month to discuss issues and plan projects that improve the quality of student life at Maine West. It is another way to use your voice to help us make our school better for students.

SPEECH TEAM:  The Speech Team is having a crafty bake sale next Wednesday and Thursday during lunch in the lower commons. The team will be selling cute crafts, including fun stickers, custom pens, and crocheted stuffies to name a few. A delicious array of freshly baked goods will also be available for purchase. Bring cash, or get a credit card "receipt of purchase" from the bookstore to buy items. Come check it out!

SCHOLASTIC BOWL:  Scholastic Bowl season is starting. Trivia fans are welcome. If you watch Jeopardy or play Trivia Crack, we want YOU. If you know a lot of useless information, we DEFINITELY want you.  Our first practice is on Tuesday, October 1st from 3:30-4:30 in Room C207.  
Everyone is welcome.  Come join us. We think you'll like it.

NEW FROM THE SCHOOL BASED HEALTH CENTER:  The School Based Health Center and Gabriel's Light are collaborating to bring teen Mental Health First Aid Training to Maine West students in October. Gabriel's Light certifies students who can recognize and address peers' mental health concerns by linking them with supportive services through a trusted adult. There are only 30 slots available  In order to become certified you must register and attend all three training sessions. Sessions will be held after school, from 3:30pm -5pm on October 21st, 22nd, and 24th. Scan the flyer and register today! For more information please reach out to Amaryllis Rivera and Tigelique Woods from the School Based Health Center.