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STUDENT VOICE COUNCIL:  Are you interested in planning some of the fun events for the student body? Assemblies, dress-up days, whole school events. Come and be part of Student Voice Council. Our first meeting is Wednesday at 7:45 in D105.

BASEBALL:  Attention all students interested in playing baseball. We will have an informational meeting Thursday after school at 3:00 in D105. If you cannot attend, please email Coach Randazzo.

WARRIOR BOOK CLUB:  Are you a reader? The Warrior Book Club wants you. We read a wide variety of books together and talk about our favorite reads. Our first meeting is at 7:45 on Thursday, August 29th. Anyone can join.

The first drama club meeting of the year will be Wednesday in the Drama Rm. (A206) from 3:30 - 4:15. All are welcome. There will be candy. We will discuss this year's season, our upcoming trip to the Illinois High School Theatre Festival, and how to get involved in this year's hilarious fall play. Bring a friend and don't miss it.

PI SIGMA PI: Calling all members of Pi Sigma Pi Social Science Honor Society. Check your email for an invite to join our 24-25 Google Classroom page. Important announcements will appear there this week, so make sure to join as soon as possible.

PHILOSOPHY CLUB: Are you a deep thinker? Are you tired of people telling you HOW to think? Free your mind and make some incredible friends too. Join philosophy club. We meet today (and every Tuesday) after school in C212.

THRIFT CLUB: Do you like shopping at thrift stores? Do you have an interest in buying your best new clothes at a crazy discount? Then come and join thrift club. An informational meeting for the thrift club will happen Thursday at 3pm in the Library. Come and see Mr. Greenberg for details.

MUSIC APPRECIATION SOCIETY: Do you love music? Do you enjoy sharing your favorite music with other people? The music appreciation society will be holding an informational meeting, Wednesday in the LRC at 3pm. See Mr. Greenberg for details.