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MATH TEAM:  The Math Team will be having a pre-season party today after school in room E105. Anyone interested in being part of this year's Math Team should attend to get information about our upcoming season. If you are interested but cannot attend, contact any math team coach or ask your math teacher.

GIRLS BASKETBALL:  Girls' Basketball will have open gym after school today and Wednesday in the Field House from 3:40-5:00. Anyone planning on trying out for girls' basketball this winter is welcome.

NATIONAL ENGLISH HONOR SOCIETY:  An informational meeting for any sophomore, junior, or senior interested in joining National English Honor Society will be held after school on Wednesday in C207 and Friday morning at 8:00 am in C207. Requirements and application information will be provided.

WMTH & WARRIOR WEEKLY: WMTH and the Warrior Weekly staff will have their first informational meeting after school on Wednesday with anchor auditions immediately following at 3:30. If you are interested in live streaming our school concerts and sporting events, hosting your own radio show, or learning to film and edit for Warrior Weekly, join us Wednesday in R209.

LATIN/HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH SHOWCASE:  Maine West is hosting a showcase this fall to celebrate Latin/Hispanic American Heritage Month. The showcase will feature musical performances, spoken word, dance, acting, and more. Students who are interested in performing or supporting the showcase are invited to attend an information meeting after school Wednesday in room H102.

ART CLUB: Art Club will be having its first meeting after school Thursday in C120P.    

PI SIGMA PI:  Pi Sigma Pi will have its first meeting with all current members on Friday, September 8th, at 7:45 a.m. in the Lower Commons. Before the meeting, make sure to check your email and join the Pi Sigma Pi Google Classroom page and check out the sign-up for the Student Activities Fair. Any member can help out!

COLLEGE FAIR & POST-SECONDARY EXPO:  District 207's College Fair & Post-secondary Expo is back! This year both events will be held on September 6th from 6:30pm-8:30 pm at Maine West. Come and learn all about your options for after high school and plan for your future. All students are welcome to attend. If you have any questions about these events please reach out to Ms. Holmes or Ms. Nelson in the CCRC room B101.

BALKAN CLUB:  Balkan club is collecting for a back-to-school drive to support students in CPS called Children First Fund, we need new and packaged school supplies like binders, notebooks, folders, erasers, gluesticks, pens/pencils, note cards, pencil cases, rulers, etc. Please donate to help children in need, collection bins can be found in the bus concourse and in front of the building August 21st- September 1st.