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POWDERPUFF FOOTBALL REGISTRATION: Today is the last day to register to play in the Homecoming Powderpuff game. Check your email from Mrs. Van Jacobs for more information.

ATHLETIC PASSES:  Purchase your athletic pass for only $10.00.  This one time fee covers admission to all regular home football and basketball games. Purchase through the School Store in Infinite Campus.

PI SIGMA PI:  Pi Sigma Pi will have its first meeting for all current members on Friday, September 8th, at 7:45 a.m. in the Lower Commons. Before the meeting, make sure to check your email and join the Pi Sigma Pi Google Classroom page and check out the sign-up for the Student Activities Fair. Any member can help out!

POETRY CLUB:  Are you and your friends pros at prose?  In your free time, do you often rhyme?
Do you find yourself writing out what you feel?  Are you a poet and you had no prior inclination to coming to that conclusion whatsoever?  If so, you should join Poetry Club! Poetry Club meets in A218 starting September 5th, Tuesdays after school at 3:30. For more info, contact Mr. Khemani at

SPEECH TEAM:  Have you ever wondered what exactly is Speech Team but were afraid to ask? Well have no fear! The Speech Team is having their informational meeting after school Wednesday in C205 to tell interested students what exactly is a Speech Team and what it takes to become a member. Light snacks will be provided. For more information, email Ms. Alverio or find her in C-wing.

COLLEGE FAIR & POST-SECONDARY EXPO:  District 207's College Fair & Post-secondary Expo is back! This year both events will be held on September 6th from 6:30pm-8:30 pm at Maine West. Come and learn all about your options for after high school and plan for your future. All students are welcome to attend. If you have any questions about these events please reach out to Ms. Holmes or Ms. Nelson in the CCRC room B101.

ANIME CLUB:  Do you find yourself arguing about who would win? Yuji Itadori or Denji?  
Was Light Yagami really evil?  What's better? Sub or dub?  If these questions cross your mind, you should join Anime Club! We meet every Thursday in D113 after school starting September 7th! For more info, contact Mr Davis at or Mr. Khemani at

BALKAN CLUB:  Balkan club is collecting for a back-to-school drive to support students in CPS called Children First Fund, we need new and packaged school supplies like binders, notebooks, folders, erasers, gluesticks, pens/pencils, note cards, pencil cases, rulers, etc. Please donate to help children in need, collection bins can be found in the bus concourse and in front of the building August 21st- September 1st.