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POLISH CLUB:  Join Polish club today after school in B210.

MUSIC APPRECIATION SOCIETY:  The Maine West Music Appreciation Society will meet after school today in the LRC. We will be exploring black music history from the 60s to today.

BADMINTON:  Badminton season is quickly approaching.  Tryouts are Monday in the Spec Gym at 3:30. You must be registered in 8 to 18 in order to try out.

ACCOUNTING CLUB:  Maine West students, did you have a job in 2022? If so, you may be eligible for a tax refund. Let Maine West Accounting Club members help you prepare your tax return and get your hard-earned money back from the government. Our IRS certified members will help you prepare your own tax return on your Chromebook. It's free and easy! For more information and to make an appointment, visit the Accounting Club website or scan the QR code on the fliers around school in the common areas and on MW Activities Instagram.

PI SIGMA PI:  Join Pi Sigma Pi's Current Events Club for thoughtful conversation about important issues. This month's topic will be gun violence and gun control. We will meet Thursday, March 2nd after school in C-220.

CHRISTIAN VOLKMANN BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT:  The Christian Volkmann Basketball tournament is Saturday from 10am- 3pm. We need student volunteers to help with registration, concessions, scorekeeper/ referring and being peer buddies to our teams. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Pettyjohn in C107 or C109. Volunteer forms will be in both rooms to sign up!

SENIORS:  Attention Seniors, we would like to feature your signature in this year's yearbook. Please stop by the main office if you did not get a chance to sign a notecard.

BILINGUAL BOOK CLUB:  Mark your calendars! Students and staff are invited to participate in a bilingual (Spanish/English) book club on March 16th. We'll provide books and delicious food. Scan the QR code on the posters or TVs around school to receive your free copy. Happy reading!

BOOK MARCH MADNESS:  The LRC is hosting Book March Madness next week.  Our top books so far for 22-23 are up for a vote.  What are your favorites? Vote using the QR code on the tvs and posters outside the library each week until we find the BEST BOOK this year that our Warriors have read.  Look for the brackets coming next week and QR code to vote.