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MUSICAL COSTUME CREW:  Musical Costume Crew begins today. Meet backstage of the auditorium at 3:30 pm. No experience required! Help with the costumes and makeup for the Young Frankenstein.

MUSICAL AUDITIONS:  Audition Clinics for this year's hilarious musical comedy, "Young Frankenstein" will take place after school today in the Choir Rm (R207). No previous experience required. We'll teach you everything you'll need to be successful at the audition. Don't miss out on the most highly anticipated event of the year. See Mr. Harmon or Mr. Schiffer if you have any questions.

PI SIGMA PI: Pi Sigma Pi will meet at 7:45 a.m. on Tuesday morning in the Lower Commons. Before the meeting, members please look at our Google Classroom page for important information about an upcoming field trip, t-shirts, and more!

ESPORTS:  Attention gamers! The E-sports team will be hosting a friendly tournament vs. Maine South and Maine East on Wednesday at 4 pm in the lower commons. We will compete with Mario Kart, Smash Bros and sports games on the X-box, Series X. Snacks and drinks will be provided.

FCCLA:  FCCLA will be talking about Interior Design Thursday after school in C108. If you are interested in interior design come to our meeting to learn more and design your own t-shirt.