GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER: - "WEST'S GOT TALENT!" Auditions for Maine West's Annual Talent Show, "West's Got Talent", will be held today from 3:30 to 5:30 and tomorrow, October 6 from 3:30 to 4:30 pm in R207. Don't sing? Don't dance? DON'T WORRY! "West's Got Talent" features all kinds of acts and no previous experience is necessary! Whether it's magic, juggling, or even a bottle flipping contest, we want to see you and your friends on the Maine West stage. Email Mr. Harmon, Mrs. Jacob, or Mr. Schiffer if you have any questions.
SCIENCE OLYMPIAD: Science Olympiad will meet today at 3:30 pm in room B109.
GIRLS BASKETBALL: Girls' Basketball will have Open Gym after school today at 3:30pm in Spec Gym. No prior experience is necessary, and we would love for you to join us in preparation for our season. Please contact Coach Kuzmanic if you have any questions.