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LOU MALNATI'S FUNDRAISER:  The Principal's Leadership Team is holding a Lou Malnati's Fundraiser. You can purchase coupons for a 9" frozen pizza (cheese, sausage, pepperoni, spinach). Pizza's can be picked up at any Lou Malnati's location. The coupons make great gifts for family, friends and neighbors! Complete the order form and submit your payment. Coupons will be delivered before the winter break. All proceeds go to MW Scholarships!

Lou Malnati's Fundraiser

STUDENTS:  All students who are interested in using the Maine West fitness facilities in the mornings before school are invited to sign-up for the Morning Grind on 8to18. Freshman & Sophomores are scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday. Juniors & Seniors are scheduled for Wednesday and Friday. Please contact Mr. Klupchak ( with questions.