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FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 2019

SENIORS:  This is the last day to apply for the Maine West Scholarship Fund. Both the four-year college scholarship and the Oakton scholarship are due today. Please make sure you turn in all materials by the date and time needed. Stop by the CCRC if you have any questions or need help filling out the scholarship.

STUDENTS:  Capitol Forum is a small group of sophomore students dedicated to changing the world and getting people to recognize the importance of human rights. This year, following NHS’s lead, they will team up with Journeys: The Road Home, an organization serving the homeless population in the northwest suburbs. We will collect non-perishable food items that will be distributed from the organization’s center in Palatine. These items include canned goods, pasta, rice, cereal, cookies, crackers, and individually-wrapped snack items. These items will make an immediate positive impact on people’s lives. Helping Hands for the Homeless runs March 14-22. Bring items to C-204 and contact Ms. Littlefield Lanham for more information.

PASS/FAIL FORMS:  Pass/Fail forms are available through Friday April 5 in Student Services - Room B102. Forms are due Friday, April 5.

SUMMER SCHOOL DRIVER'S EDUCATION:  Summer School Driver's Ed registration is underway.  You can find the registration packet on-line or you can stop in the main office.

MOVIE CLUB:  Movie Club will be showing "Once Upon A DEADPOOL" today after school in the Little Theatre.